I receive no payment or kickbacks for my opinion of what's "cool" or what's "things"
Cool Thing | 02
Dance Dance Party Party
"Wait, so you just dance in a room full of women and you're sober?"
This is almost always the response I get when I talk about Dance Dance Party Party, or DDPP. And Hells yeah! You should try it!
I attended my first DDPP almost 2 years after first hearing of it. Worry over seeming awkward or embarrassed kept me away but thankfully, curiosity finally beat out my vanity. At that first class, the Den Mothers said "Hey, if it seems weird, it's because it is. But two songs in and you'll forget all of that." I was dubious but gave it a go. I stationed myself in the back of the room, faced the wall, tapped my toes, and closed my eyes....
Two songs later became seven years on...and going strong. Now, I like to hang out up near the front, by the speaker so I can jump and wail and call out "WOOHOO!" to nearly every song. I twirl and whirl and leap and twerk and jive and jump and spin and shimmy and vogue and vamp and live out my rockstar fantasy every Wednesday and Sunday that I can. The truest thing I can say is that DDPP is the best hour of my week, hands down.
A good playlist as the power to change your day—nay, your LIFE! Hyperbole aside, in DDPP, I found not just a release for my energy, but a warm welcome to one of the most supportive, friendly, open-minded and loving group of strangers-made-friends-made-family. I loved my early days of wallflower wonderment, then my years as number-one fan, followed by a couple of years of den mothering, and beyond. I credit DDPP for helping me find my dancing feet, my confidence, and most of all, my swagger.
Chapters have popped up across the country and the world, bringing one simple message: No Booze, No Boys, No Judgment—of yourself or others. There's no room for self-doubt, the music's too loud.
Because DDPP is losing your shit on the dance floor for 60 minutes and feeling invincible. DDPP is therapy, is destruction, is reconstruction, is a haven and a heaven. And this year, DDPP is celebrating 10 years of praying at the altar of Whitney, Janet, Robyn, Britney, Gaga, and of course, Bey.
Forever grateful, I'll always be DJ Bell Biv deHo.

Related Links
DDPP Chicago is the mothership of a global network of women getting their groove on. Check their site for all things DDPP.
Every holiday season, DDPP allows dudes to join in the dance mania. This year is extra special, due to the 10 year anniversary of bringing awesome into the world. Check out the info on their FB page here. Then put it in your calendar and get excited. It's THE. BEST!
Want to know what I'm listening to? Follow my Spotify profile for all my past favorites and current loves.
Treat yo'self to this treasure trove of Rosie Perez dancing GIFs. Instant mood-booster.
Wait, so what's this page about, though?
TRUTH: There is not enough time in the day for all the things I want to look at on the Internet. Add in social media feeds and discussion boards and hot takes on the latest Netflix binge and Poof! Big chunks of my days are lost to the black hole of the Internet. And I can't find whatever it was I really wanted to save and read later, or share, or comment on, etc.
This page—One Cool Thing—has the sole purpose of helping curb my electronic hoarding habit. I put up One Cool Thing (as deemed by my subjective standards) to clear the clutter and shine a light on the things I really am interested in. I can also point to this page when I want to share something with a friend who appreciates Cool Things. It's the Internet manifested!
More TRUTH: I am not paid anything—not dollars, favors, gold stars, or Starbucks rewards points—to feature any brands, people, items, etc. I consider myself the lone curator and target audience of this page; it's for my own organizational benefit and if there's any residual enjoyment, well, I think that's a cool thing too.