I receive no payment or kickbacks for my opinion of what's "cool" or what's "things"
Cool Thing | 01
Live Lit
Live Lit is exactly what it sounds like: literature being shared in front of a live audience. Sometimes they are off-the-cuff, sometimes scripted, sometimes a combination of both. Readers share personal essays, lessons learned, funny stories, rants on a theme, or anything that they care to share.
Live Lit a living, breathing event. No two are alike. Live Lit is such a supreme way to spend some time, I'm always surprised when events aren't more highly attended. Then again, the cozy vibe of a dimly lit room is part of the experience in itself. Readers are sharing a part of themselves, their experiences, their personhood. It's incredible to witness and appreciate their bravery.
Chicago is the sweaty, pulsing heart of the Live Lit scene (though you'd find versions everywhere). Perhaps it's a natural outcome of our improv and performance veins intertwined with our barstool lectures and abundance of everyday characters.
I tell stories—it's what I do. Sometimes I'm fortunate enough to tell them on a stage in front of people. If you're in my fan club (hi Mom!), you saw me do StoryLab, Funny Ha-Ha, Story Studio, Story Club, and Second City Conservatory. Check out the links to the right for tried-and-true favorites. New ones are popping up all the time; wanna go? Hit me up, I'll join you!

Related Links
Dana Norris, Godmother of Live Lit in Chicago, put together this living calendar of live lit performances and overall, a great resource for live lit..
Scott Whitehair is a storytelling hero. His class is as delightful as he is.
Funny Ha-Ha is back in January—woot!
Wait, so what's this page about, though?
TRUTH: There is not enough time in the day for all the things I want to look at on the Internet. Add in social media feeds and discussion boards and hot takes on the latest Netflix binge and Poof! Big chunks of my days are lost to the black hole of the Internet. And I can't find whatever it was I really wanted to save and read later, or share, or comment on, etc.
This page—One Cool Thing—has the sole purpose of helping curb my electronic hoarding habit. I put up One Cool Thing (as deemed by my subjective standards) to clear the clutter and shine a light on the things I really am interested in. I can also point to this page when I want to share something with a friend who appreciates Cool Things. It's the Internet manifested!
More TRUTH: I am not paid anything—not dollars, favors, gold stars, or Starbucks rewards points—to feature any brands, people, items, etc. I consider myself the lone curator and target audience of this page; it's for my own organizational benefit and if there's any residual enjoyment, well, I think that's a cool thing too.